Shipping Policy
At, we don't believe in handling charges or hidden fees. We charge actual FedEx shipping charges for all of our products, no additional fees. The website calculates your shipping charges real time based upon your location. All of our products are shipped from warehouse in Marietta, Georgia.
Note: You can only place orders on our website for shipments within the United States. For orders outside the United States call us at 866-965-1876. We only ship via FedEx. If you need to ship your order via UPS or US Postal service, call us at 866-965-1876.
Lightning Fast Shipping
As long as you place your order before 4:00 EST it will ship the same day. As you can see below the maximum time for delivery is 5 business days and most of customers receive their shipment in 2-3 days.
FedEx Ground Map from Marietta, Georgia
